Effortless Mind Meditation

Teacher certification

Effortless Mind Teacher Training with Ajayan.

Teacher certification

This one-on-one training includes:

  • 200 hours of self-study of 12 modules (included are Ajayan’s books, a manual, and access to online videos and audios provided) over a minimum of 24 weeks.
  • 12 Zoom (or in-person if you travel to him) sessions with Ajayan.
  • 5 days in residence at a personal meditation retreat with Ajayan on San Juan Island (room and board are also included). Only available From October – April each year. These retreat sessions may be with other trainees.
  • Verbal quizzes to demonstrate competency.
  • Your log of your own daily meditation experiences regularly reviewed by Ajayan. In the Zoom calls, Ajayan will give you personalized guidance in your individual practice.
  • Practice teaching sessions, a minimum of 3 and max of 5 separate sessions. Record each session, and send them to be reviewed by Ajayan, who will give you feedback.