Awaken Kundalini
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Learning the Awaken Kundalini Technique

The Awaken Kundalini technique is an advanced practice. If you are looking to learn to meditate, please see Start your meditation journey here to find the best meditation course to meet your needs. Feel free to email Ajayan for more information.
What Will I Learn?
- A most efficient, elegant technique to incrementally awaken your Kundalini Shakti in a matter of seconds.
- Simple preliminary practices that will help you prepare for and integrate the powerful Shakti you will awaken.
- An optional follow-up Chakra Meditation that will help develop blissful subtle perception of the Divine and further integrate your experience.
- Practices to integrate and direct awakened Kundalini to support unfolding higher consciousness.
Where Did the Technique Come From?
The core technique came to me (Ajayan) as a spontaneous kriya in meditation. This has happened several times over the last 50 years of practice. The Shakti spontaneously moves the body in a specific way to elevate inner experience. For example, it’s how I first encountered mula bandha decades ago, before I ever knew it existed. Other practices, such as the mudra combination, came to me in a similar way. Whereas I later identified these as traditional techniques, so far that is not the case with this practice. It may exist in some tradition, but I have not heard of it and haven’t been able to find it mentioned anywhere. In fact, it is normally assumed that you cannot invoke Kundalini Shakti directly at will. This is now proven wrong.
What Practical Benefits Will I Gain from Awakening My Kundalini?
When you awaken your Kundalini Shakti, you experience an immediate and dramatic elevation in consciousness and energy. If you are well prepared for this by years of spiritual practice, you will immediately enjoy profound positive benefits, all the same benefits you would hope to gain from advanced meditation, only much more so. From this technique, you may well feel as if “the soul of meditation” is infused into your practices, making them what they always should have been. If there exists a single technique to most efficiently elicit higher consciousness, this is it–provided the proper foundation has been laid. Benefits you may experience can include:
- Greatly deepened meditations.
- Expanded, clear, blissful awareness.
- A dramatic increase in energy and vitality.
- Feeling years younger in tangible ways, such as increased energy, sexual vitality, and so on.
- Super powerful thought and effortless concentration.
- Rapid development of higher consciousness.
- A tangible, subtle sense of unity with all.
- Creativity and blissful subtle perception.
- Sense of security and well-being.
- Balanced sense of personal/transpersonal power yielding unwavering confidence.
- An open heart that is richly kind and compassionate.
- Self-expression arising from coherence of your being; speech with the power to penetrate and create.
- Spontaneous development of lucid dreaming and psychic abilities.
- Subtle perception and intuition.
- Significantly greater success with the siddhis.
- You may also experience rapid, spontaneous healing of injuries and illness.
In a word, this is the single most powerful practice, requiring only seconds to do, and the most exciting discovery I’ve made in over 54 years of exploring and teaching meditation.
My meditations have been so amazing since learning this technique. After over 20 years of for the most part just putting in time meditating, I finally see why some people will not skip even one day of meditation. Immediately since learning this technique, I feel so much more joy and peace! – Teresa B.
How Can I Learn the Awaken Kundalini Practice?
There are 3 options for learning the Awaken Kundalini technique:
- On a Personal Meditation Retreat on SJI with Ajayan
- On a group Retreat on SJI specifically designed to teach the Awaken Kundalini technique.
- In a combination of an online pre-recorded course and 2 sessions of Private Instruction with Ajayan either remotely via Zoom or in person on San Juan Island. The cost for this option is $675, which includes the online course and the 2 private sessions with Ajayan.
- Siddha Members get $105 off.
- Jnana Members get $65 off.
- Ananda Members get $35 off.
- To register, email Ajayan.
To be instructed in the Awaken Kundalini technique, you must meet the following prerequisites. This ensures you will get personalized guidance and the greatest benefit from this powerful practice.
- Have had a regular meditation practice for at least 10 years.
- Are stable emotionally and mentally.
- In good physical health.
- Have completed at least the Deep Chakra Work Course.
For more information, see the blog, Should You Awaken Your Kundalini, and email