Effortless Mind Meditation

Dormitory Room or One Room Office

Dormitory Room or One Room Office


We will send you a customized Vastu analysis of your office or dorm room explaining simple changes you can make to correct Vastu imbalances in your environment to bring harmony, greater peace, and success in all aspects of your life. Our standard correction products used in making the corrections to your space are included in the cost. We send these to you with your completed analysis and detailed instructions for applying the corrections. After paying for your analysis, or if you have questions, please email ajayan@effortlessmindmeditation.com to provide us with the information we need to complete your Vastu consultation. These normally include:

  • Your address.
  • Drawing of your where your dorm room or office sits within the building, including location of doors and windows.
  • Layout of your office or dorm room with location of furnishings, such as bed and desk, and adjacent bathroom if applicable.