Effortless Mind Meditation

Learn to meditate

Effortless Mind® meditation is simple, easy, and blissful–effortlessly delivering all the benefits of the deepest meditation. I invite you to experience this for yourself. It’s easy to learn no matter where you are, even from the comfort of your own home. Here are some options if you are new to meditation (if you’re already a long-time meditator, please see my advanced courses):

  • Effortless Mind I is an elegantly simple, effortless yet profound meditation that you can learn in a few hours of video and audio instruction. This is a great place to start if you’re new to meditation.
  • My membership site offers clear, simple, thorough video instruction and audio guided meditations. Learn at your own pace, from beginning techniques through advanced, powerful practices.
  • Private, online individual consultation – Personalized one-on-one guidance and instruction with Ajayan tailored to your level of experience and nature as an individual.
  • Books on meditation by Ajayan –  Scroll down to Effortless Mind: Meditate with Ease, which lays out the essential Effortless Mind practice in clear, simple, straightforward instruction.

And because I know there is nothing quite so direct, effective, and powerful as Effortless Mind–based on the experience of thousands of people I’ve personally instructed over nearly the past 50 years–I am happy to offer a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with your experience of meditation. So I invite you to dive in, and begin to enjoy the wonderful benefits of meditation today.

With love and light,
