Enneagram Consultation
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The Nine Types: Habits of Emotion and Patterns of Thinking
Begin a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness with a private consultation with Ajayan, a certified Enneagram teacher in the narrative tradition. Consultations may be in person or by phone or via skype. To schedule your appointment, email ajayan@ajayan.com.
A System for Understanding Your Habits of Emotion and Patterns of Thinking
The Enneagram is an ancient symbol that is referenced in every major spiritual tradition. During the last 30 years it has been modernized through extensive research and development and the application of modern psychological thinking.
The root “ennea” means “9” in Greek and “gram” means “something drawn.” So the term “Enneagram” refers to a diagram with nine points. This is the Enneagram:
The Enneagram identifies 9 different fundamental strategies that human beings use to navigate life. It also identifies a “predicament,” (meaning a core lesson), that each type is challenged with learning. These types are noted by a number on the 9-pointed star in the diagram above. The diagram is a circle because the numbers are not hierarchical. No type is better than any other. Each type has strengths and challenges. The system is numbered to keep the system as neutral as possible.
The strategies identified by the Enneagram are deeply ingrained habits of thinking and emotion that each person has. (The types are consistently identified throughout cultures and countries around the world.) People are born with a neurobiological leaning, meaning a natural tendency for their constitution. This tendency develops into one of the 9 strategies as we grow up and react to the life circumstances we are faced with. Over time, the strategy we use becomes our “reality.” The habits become wired into our systems and kick-in with lightning-fast speed as we react to our circumstances and life experiences.
Each strategy has many gifts and benefits. There can also be subconscious limiting beliefs and habits that prevent us from moving into who we really want to be and what we really want to do. Without self-awareness the habits control our thinking and our behavior and we are unable to move forward in the way that we want. The Enneagram provides a unique lens with which to examine our habitual reactions to life and the opportunity to build self-awareness and choice.
In addition to the nine Enneatypes, each Enneatype has 3 instinctual subtype possibilities: Self-preservation, Social, and 1 to 1 (sexual). This makes a total of 27 possible combinations of Enneatype and subtype, each of which can look quite unique and distinct.
The Enneagram and Meditation
I have great respect for the practice of mindfulness; I believe it is an essential key to integrating the benefits of meditation. But you can’t really apply mindfulness effectively without some understanding of your habitual patterns of perception and action. You will have trouble seeing something that you don’t know exists. In other words, it helps immensely to know what to be mindful of, what to watch for, so you can catch yourself with intelligent understanding. This gives you the leverage you need to change, to grow. And this is where I have found the Enneagram to be of tremendous value in assisting you in your personal growth. I know of no other tool that so accurately describes patterns of personality. Meditation will expand your potential, but integrate it is the job of being mindful moment-to-moment, with self-awareness.
90-minute consultations run $150. To schedule your appointment, email ajayan@ajayan.com.
- The goal of this consultation is to discover and understand the basic characteristics of your Enneatype. This usually takes about 90 minutes and may also require some follow up work you can do on your own till you are reasonably certain of your Enneatype.
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Once you are fairly sure of your Enneatype, you may wish to have a second appointment to discover your instinctual subtype and understand more deeply the principle characteristics of your Enneatype and subtype. We will explore how these characteristics can play out in your life, in your relationships, career, etc., as well as the implications for your personal growth. This consult is likely to be only 1 hour, and costs $100.