Effortless Mind Meditation


Gain Brahmajnana, direct knowledge of Brahman, the unbounded, all-encompassing wholeness of life

Note: This course is for practicing meditators. If you are looking to learn to meditate, please see Start your meditation journey here to find the best meditation course to meet your needs. Feel free to email me at ajayan@effortlessmindmeditation.com for more information.

Course structure

This course consists of 18 1.5 – 2 hour videos of a live course taught by Ajayan plus supplementary content.

What is Brahmajnana?

“Brahman” refers to the Absolute, the ultimate Reality of life. Brahman is the all-encompassing wholeness of life that comprises all of time and space, all that has ever been, is, or will be. And That is none other than your own infinite Self.

“Jnana” means knowledge. So Brahmajnana is the knowledge of Brahman, the knowledge that all is nothing but your Self–one, homogenous, infinite, all-encompassing wholeness of life. The sustained state of Brahmajnana is final and full enlightenment.

What will you learn in the Brahmajnana course and how will you benefit?

In the Brahmajnana course, you will learn a profound meditation practice that will lead you to the direct experience of your infinite, higher Self.  In over 50 years of practice and teaching, I find this practice to be of unparalleled depth and effectiveness. You will also learn methods of inquiry and affirmation designed to break down habits of thought and perception. These habits limit your experience of life to one of separateness and finitude, the basis of ignorance and misery. This combination of deepening the inner experience of the Self with eyes closed, and opening awareness to the underlying unity of all things with eyes open, is the traditional and most effective formula for developing Brahmajnana.

Some benefits you can expect to gain:

Initial benefits:

Benefits over time:

What others are saying

I love the Brahmajnana course! Your courses are truly gems that I expect to stay with me for the rest of my life. –Christian, long-time meditator and attorney

I have found these new practices so powerful. I’m notice exponential shifts in my perception, the strength in my physical body, and acute awareness that [helps me] see the truth of things and feel gratitude and humility for being alive. I am noticing these moment-to-moment perceptions as I walk to take my daughter to kindergarten–the leaves on the ground, the snow covering them, and the details around me. It is new and different to experience hyper-awareness that fills me with gratitude for the present moment. Just to breathe, feel the cold, feel the warmth, and enjoy the simple things of life with our kids. I am realizing why I felt such a strong pull to take this course. It is a huge blessing to have these meditation tools in my life right now. Thank you, Ajayan, for all of the wisdom you’ve shared, and for giving us time to process while teaching us month by month. –Margaret Caulford, meditating mom


These courses lay the experiential foundation for this advanced-level course. If you want to take the Brahmajnana course and are not sure you qualify or have taken courses you feel should fulfill the prerequisites, email ajayan@effortlessmindmeditation.com. Describe your background and experiences in meditation.

I hope you’ll join me to explore the supreme reality, consciousness, together.

Cost: $595

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This course is taught by Ajayan Borys.