Effortless Mind Meditation

Lesson 2 Awaken Kundalini

Hi Brahmajnana course members!

This bonus lesson is some of the content I created for the Jnana membership in 2024. I felt it was so important to the purpose of the Brahmajnana course that I decided I must share it here for all those taking the Brahmajnana course, even if they are not members of the Jnana membership level.

These five videos instruct in a walking meditation to bring awareness of Brahman to daily life, not just in meditation. So it really is critical. Please leave some time–I suggest a week or so–between watching each video.

Practically, this walking meditation rests on two things: 

  • A deep familiarity with pure awareness.
  • Samadhi, in the sense of deep absorption at a highly concentrated, powerful level of thought. This gives you the necessary refinement and power of attention to develop mindfulness of Brahman in activity.

If you feel your experience of the walking meditations are lacking, consider learning the Awaken Kundalini technique, which will greatly accelerate the development of samadhi and pure awareness. I hope you’ll also join us in the Jnana membership. The root of the word, Brahman, is brh-, which means to expand. Brahman is ever expanding, as is Brahmajnana.



First level of instruction in walking meditation

The next five sessions include detailed instruction in a critical walking meditation. This meditation is all about bringing the state of pure awareness, the Self, experienced with eyes closed in meditation out into your daily activity, so that you can begin to actually live the state of Self-Realization. Please watch these in order, from top to bottom, and leave at least 1 week of daily practice, preferably more, before moving on to the next lesson.

Second level of instruction in walking meditation

Third level of instruction in walking meditation

I recorded this as the 4th level. The 3rd level is optional and more difficult, so I’m moving the original 3rd level to be the 5th and last lesson in this walking meditation series. So what I recorded as the 4th becomes the 3rd, and what I recorded as the 5th becomes the 4th. Then what I recorded as the 3rd becomes the 5th. I hope that doesn’t cause any confusion. Just watch these in order from top to bottom, and you’ll be good. I recommend practicing this at least two weeks every day or until you feel very comfortable with it before moving to the fourth level.

Fourth level of instruction in walking meditation

I think you’ll find this level quite easy. Enjoy!

Fifth level of instruction in walking meditation

You might find this level more challenging. Be easy with it, and if it doesn’t come, just let it go and try it once in a while. The preceding levels are the most important.

How the answer to Who Am I? changes

This short video is just an additional note to help you use the question Who am I? in your walking meditation.

Here is another video I posted on YouTube that goes deeper into Who am I? It’s worth a watch, so including it here.