Effortless Mind Meditation

Ashvini Mudra with Maha Bandha

As I teach it on this video, ashvini mudra is a most powerful practice. It effectively awakens the shakti latent in the area of the muladhara chakra and pushes it throughout all of the nadis in the body. Combined with the breathing practice and maha bandha explained on the video, you will find this empowers your meditation tremendously. Add the mudra combination (ketchari, shambhavi, and vajra or sahajoli, as taught in the Toning the Energetic Body course on this site) and your meditations will deepen daily. That said, start with only a couple of rounds of ashvini mudra and increase as you see fit. It is important not to strain. Please don’t hold your breath to the point of strain. Be gentle and easy.

Practice this before every meditation. Preferably practice it while listening to the 108 names of Devi (doing several rounds of ashvini mudra with maha bandha) and then practice vertical chakra breathing, horizontal chakra breathing, chakra meditation level 3, meditate on the Mahavakyas as in the Power of Being meditation, and practice the levitation siddhi. Asvini mudra creates a powerful energy field in the body that tends towards lifting the body upwards. You will feel it!

One final important note: in the video, I teach maha bandha with the breath held in (antar kumbhaka mahabandha). It is actually more effective with the breath held out, though more advanced. When you’re ready, try mahabanda after exhaling fully and holding the breath out (bahir kumbhaka mahabandha). This will plunge you even deeper into Being. (I will soon make a video instruction of the bandhas.)



PS. PS. Thanks to Swami Anandakapila Saraswati for first introducing me to ashvini mudra.